Kailash's Blogs
  1. Consuming Restful API with Bearer Token Authentication using HttpWebRequest

    This article discusses about the token-based Authentication or Bearer Token Authentication and provides code snippet to call Web API or Web Service having Bearer Authentication Token in client header using HttpWebRequest class.

  2. WCF Address

    This article describes details about WCF Address and the address format of different scheme.

  3. WCF Endpoints

    This article describes details about WCF Endpoint and the elements of Endpoint available.

  4. WCF Contracts

    This article describes about the contracts, various types of contracts are available in WCF and use of the contracts.

  5. Concurrency Mode In WCF

    This article explains about different WCF concurrency mode and their impact with service when we are using concurrency mode.

  6. Difference Between DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer

    This blog describes main differences available between DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer.

  7. Getting Client's IP Address in WCF Service
  8. WCF Bindings
  9. Difference between WCF And Web Service

    TBoth Web service and WCF Service are used to developement service orianted application and data transfer over internet. But huge differents are there between Web service and WCF Service. This article present some measure differences exists between WCF Service and WEB Service.Below i have discussed the main differences between WCF Service and Web Service.

  10. WCF Self Hosing

    This article explains how to achieve WCF service self hosting, In WCF service as I already explained in my previous article, means programmatic hosting your WCF service using managed code.

  11. Hosting WCF Service in IIS

    This article demonstrates how to host WCF service in IIS

  12. Hosting WCF Service

    This blog explains little about different ways of hosting WCF service and their benefits

  13. Consuming RESTFUL Web API in C#

    This following blog provides code snippet to consume restful web API hosted in your local machine using HttpClient class.


    We all are know that WCF is best for Service oriented programming and it supports high level protocols, security. This article explains the when should we use Web API instead of WCF service.


    We all know that WCF is best for Service-oriented programming and it supports high-level protocols, security. This article explains the when should we use Web API instead of WCF service.