Kailash's Blogs

Azure Worker Role Example

Kailash Chandra Behera | Sunday, August 30, 2020
Kailash's Blogs


The Azure worker role is a type of Azure Cloud Services role which runs applications in the background like windows service to complete specific task frequently. Here in this blog, we will demonstrate how to create and deploy an Azure Worker Role using Visual Studio.

Getting Started

The Azure Worker Role is any role in Azure that runs in the background without using IIS. In Worker Roles, IIS is not installed by default. They are mainly used to perform supporting background processes along with Web Roles and do tasks such as automatically compressing uploaded images, run scripts when something changes in the database, get new messages from queue and process, and more.

The follow demonstration creates an azure worker role using Visual Studio 2019.

  1. Open Visual Studio, go to the File menu and click on the new project.

  2. In the New Project window. Select Cloud, then Select Azure Cloud Service template.

  3. Give any name to the project here I have given the project name as myTask.

  4. Click on the OK button, the New Microsoft Azure Cloud Service will appear.

  5. Select the Worker Role then click on the button ‘Add a role to solution’.

  6. Rename the Worker Role to any name.

  7. Then click on Ok Button, your project will be created in a few seconds.

  8. You will find three overridden methods inside your worker role class. The details of the function is given below.

  9. Now you are done with Azure Worker Role creation.

The three overridden methods
  1. OnStart()

    It is the first method that will execute when the worker role starts, this method is used to write the logic for gathering configuration required to run tasks.

  2. Run()

    This method will get fired once the Onstart is completed, this method to execute the long-running task.

  3. OnStop()

    Finally, this method will get executed. when the Azure Worker Role gets to stop.


In this blog, we demonstrated how to create Azure Worker Role using Microsoft Visual Studio. I hope you have enjoyed it a lot.
