Install .P12, .PM, .Cer Sertifications in Local computer

Kailash Chandra Behera | Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Above certificates are required while you are working with Apple Push Notification Service. This article explains how to install .p12, .pm, .cer certificates in your local system for apple push notification. The way of installing is same for above three certificates.

To install a certificate in local computer or server you need console root (MMC)of Microsoft which resides with your OS. Microsoft Management Console(MMC) enables system administrators to create special tools to delegate specific administrative tasks to users or groups.

Microsoft provides standard tools with the operating system that performs everyday administrative tasks that users need to accomplish. For more Details

In this article i have installed .p12 and .cer certificates for achieving Apple Push Notification Service. For installing certificates follow the below steps.

Getting Started


Open windows run and type mmc then press OK button, console root window will open.


Go to file menu, open it and click on Add/Remove Snap-in sub menu


Add or remove snap ins  window will open, select the item named Certificates from the available snaps list that resides left side of window. Press Add button


Certificate snap window will open, select radio button 'Computer account' then press next button


Select computer window will open, select another computer if you want install in another in your network, here in the we are going to install certificate in local computer, hence i have selected local computer option. Then press finish button.


Press the OK button of Add or Remove snap-ins window


Certificate option will be displayed under Console root item, expand the certificate item. Again expand the optional item, write click on the certificates sub-item=>All Task=> click on the import sub-menu


1. Certificate import wizard window will open,click next button. 

2. Then browse your .p12 certificate from you local drive and click next button.

3. Select the option 'place all certificates in the following store'. , Press Next button

4. Certificate import wizard now completed click on the finish button.

5. Success message window will be opened and after clicking on the OK button the certificates you have installed will be display console root

6. Follow all the sub steps of  above Certificate import wizard to install .cer certificate i.e step-8


The step-8 completes the certificates import or install in the personal storage, again we have to import  .p12 and .cer certificates in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Hence like Personal storage, expand the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and follow the sub steps of Step-8.


Above details are successfull steps to install or import certificates in the console root that helps us to develope or work with  Apple Push Notification Service. Remember you have to import in both Personal and Trusted Root Certification Authorities storage for successfully send message to Apple Push Notification Service


Hope you have successfully imported certificates by following up these above steps, Kindly give a comment if this article helped you.
